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Address: 10 Victor Square Scotts Valley, CA Asking Price: $5.8 Million Information: ± 39, [more]
Address: 10 Victor Square Scotts Valley, CA Asking Price: $5.8 Million Information: ± 39,808 SF of building Two st [more]
$ 1.55 PSF NNN
Address of Property: 2880 Soquel Ave. Asking Price: $1.55 PSF NNN Features: 17,500 SF Avai [more]
Address of Property: 2880 Soquel Ave. Asking Price: $1.55 PSF NNN Features: 17,500 SF Available 9,000 SF available [more]
Call for more information!
Address of Property: Deer Park Marketplace – 783 Rio Del Mar Blvd. Sublease Opportun [more]
Address of Property: Deer Park Marketplace – 783 Rio Del Mar Blvd. Sublease Opportunity: 730 SF of Retail/Off [more]
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Listings available for rent
These are the latest properties in the Rentals category displayed using the latest properties slider shortcode (we show only 6 items, but you can show more)
Event Space at 239 High St
Nice open space Hardwood floors Excellent visibility from HWY 1 Easily accessible Located [more]
Nice open space Hardwood floors Excellent visibility from HWY 1 Easily accessible Located adjacent to foot bridge L [more]
3050 Paul Sweet Rd – Santa Cruz, CA
For Lease – Commercial Office Building Description: Turnkey Condition Prime F [more]
For Lease – Commercial Office Building Description: Turnkey Condition Prime Freeway Access Secured Par [more]
5011 Scotts Valley Dr
Office Space 2500 square feet New and improved building Newly renovated bathroom & sho [more]
Office Space 2500 square feet New and improved building Newly renovated bathroom & shower High ceilings & w [more]
2955 Park Avenue Flexible 3-Room Suite
686 SF Second floor Three rooms and a shower Perfect for an office, creative/art studio, o [more]
686 SF Second floor Three rooms and a shower Perfect for an office, creative/art studio, or for a healing practitio [more]
Land for Sale – 440 Frederick Street
Land For Sale – 440 Frederick Street Zoned RL (multi-res/low density) Land Area: 1.4 [more]
Land For Sale – 440 Frederick Street Zoned RL (multi-res/low density) Land Area: 1.49 Acres/64,960 SF [more]
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Gabri recently graduated from University of California Santa Cruz with a bachelors in Busi ...
Henry graduated from University of California Santa Cruz where he earned a bachelors in Bu ...
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